Startup Gurukul

10 Lines Essay on Whale for Kids

10 Lines Essay on Whale for Kids

  1. Whales are the biggest aquatic animals in the world. Whales are mammals who give birth to young ones and feed them with their own milk just like human beings
  2. The blue whale which is the largest whale found in the world which is of length more than a hundred feet
  3. Whale’s mouth can be opened as wide as 25 feet
  4. Once a whale opens its mouth, thousands of litres of water and hundreds of fishes gets into its body
  5. Whales do not have hairs on their body and their skin is so thick that it gets insulated from heat
  6. The life expectancy of whales is somewhere between 40 to 50 years
  7. There are more than hundred species of whales that are known to man
  8. Whales are carnivorous animals and eat small fishes, phytoplanktons and other sea animals
  9. The nostrils of a whale is called blowholes and they are positioned at the back of its head
  10. More than 2 lakh whales are found across various oceans and seas in the world.