Startup Gurukul

Spelling Rule 19: Long Vowel rules and Patterns

Spelling Rule 19: Long Vowel rules and Patterns

Spelling Rule 19.1: Vowels at the end of a syllable make the long sound. 

For example, in the words me and halo (ha-lo) the vowels are all at the end of a syllable so they make the long sound.

Spelling Rule 19.2: Silent e makes the previous vowel long. 

The words bike and phone have a silent e at the end that makes the previous vowel long.

Spelling Rule 19.3: Vowel teams can make the long sound. 

Vowel teams work together to make one sound, and usually, it’s a long vowel sound. For example, boat and meat both have vowel teams that make the long sound.

Spelling Rule 19.4: I or O can be long when they come before two consonants.

 In words like cold and mind, i and o make a long vowel sound.

Long A Sound

The long a sound can be represented by 8 different spelling patterns:

  1. a – baby
  2. a_e – cake
  3. ai – rain
  4. ay – play
  5. ei – reindeer
  6. eigh – weight
  7. ea – steak
  8. ey – they

Long E Sound

The long e sound can be represented by 8 different spelling patterns:

  1. e – be
  2. e_e – eve
  3. ee – meet
  4. ea – beach
  5. ei – protein
  6. ie – piece
  7. ey – key
  8. y – candy

Long I Sound

The long i sound can be represented by 6 different spelling patterns:

  1. i – silent
  2. i_e – shine
  3. ie – pie
  4. igh – light
  5. y – my
  6. y_e – type

Long O Sound

The long o sound can be represented by 5 different spelling patterns:

  1. o – go
  2. o_e – phone
  3. oe – toe
  4. oa – boat
  5. ow – snow

Long U Sound

The long u has two sounds: yoo (/y/ /oo/) and oo (/oo/).

The long u sound can be represented by 7 different spelling patterns:

  1. u – music
  2. u_e – mule
  3. ue – rescue
  4. eu – feud
  5. ew – few
  6. oo – food
  7. ou – soup

Spelling Rules

Spelling Rule- Before You Start: Part-A

Spelling Rule- 1: Syllables

Spelling Rule- 2 : English Words Never end with

Spelling Rule- 3 : “Y” acts as a consonant as well as a vowel

Spelling Rule- 4 : Two sounds of “C”

Spelling Rule- 5 : Two sounds of “G”

Spelling Rule- 6 : Magic-E/Silent-E 

Spelling Rule- 7 : Drop the “e” rule

Spelling Rule-8: The 1:1:1 doubling-up rule

Spelling Rule-9: A E O U  at the end of the Syllable

Spelling Rule-10: The Rabbit rule

Spelling Rule- Before You Start: Part-A

Spelling Rule- 11: The FLOSS/FLSZ rule

Spelling Rule- 12 : Use of C or K to pronounce K

Spelling Rule- 13: Use of /CH/ & /TCH/

Spelling Rule- 14: Use of /Cial/ & /Tial/

Spelling Rule-15: Two vowel’s sounds

Spelling Rule- 16 : Short Vowel Sounds

Spelling Rule- 17 : Long Vowel Sounds

Spelling Rule-18: Vowels in Short Words

Spelling Rule-19: Long Vowels’ Rules and Patterns

Spelling Rule-20: W is the Boss

Silent Letters Rules