Important Spelling Rules for Everyone to Know
Spelling rules can take the mystery out of spelling by demonstrating patterns among apparently unrelated words. Learning these rules will help you see connections between unfamiliar words as well as words you already know. Of course, there’s no such thing as a hard-and-fast spelling rule. There are many exceptions as English borrows from many languages and is constantly changing and adopting new words. Still, it’s important to master these basic spelling rules. They might not work every time, but they’ll apply often enough to help you succeed.
Rule-2: English words never ends with I, J,U, & V
If the English word is not borrowed, the word never ends with I,J,U & V. But if it is borrowed, this rule may not work. Hence add “e” at the end.
This rule is good for new learners.
- Die
- Blue
- Conceive
- Love
I, You, Thou, bureau, Menu,
Spelling Rules
Spelling Rule- Before You Start: Part-A
Spelling Rule- 1: Syllables
Spelling Rule- 2 : English Words Never end with
Spelling Rule- 3 : “Y” acts as a consonant as well as a vowel
Spelling Rule- 4 : Two sounds of “C”
Spelling Rule- 5 : Two sounds of “G”
Spelling Rule- 6 : Magic-E/Silent-E
Spelling Rule- 7 : Drop the “e” rule
Spelling Rule-8: The 1:1:1 doubling-up rule
Spelling Rule-9: A E O U at the end of the Syllable
Spelling Rule-10: The Rabbit rule
Spelling Rule- Before You Start: Part-A
Spelling Rule- 11: The FLOSS/FLSZ rule
Spelling Rule- 12 : Use of C or K to pronounce K
Spelling Rule- 13: Use of /CH/ & /TCH/
Spelling Rule- 14: Use of /Cial/ & /Tial/
Spelling Rule-15: Two vowel’s sounds
Spelling Rule- 16 : Short Vowel Sounds
Spelling Rule- 17 : Long Vowel Sounds
Spelling Rule-18: Vowels in Short Words
Spelling Rule-19: Long Vowels’ Rules and Patterns
Spelling Rule-20: W is the Boss