Present Simple Tense and Uses
Structure and Rules
- Subject + Auxiliary Verb + Main Verb
- If it is not necessary, the Auxiliary Verb is kept hidden.
- At 3rd Person, Singular add “s” to Auxiliary Verb if it is not hidden, else to the main verb.
Before discussing this further, it is important to know the following:
- Types of Person
- Spelling Rules to Add “s” to verbs
Types of Person- 3 Types
First Person- I (Singular) , We ( Plural)
Second Person- You (Singular) , You ( Plural)
Third Person- He/She/It (Singular), They/These/Those ( Plural)
Spelling Rules to Add “s” to verbs (required to know for making sentences with Third Person)
- Most Verbs: Add “s” directly.
Example: Love-Loves, Run-Runs, Speak-Speaks, Jump-Jumps
- When the word ends in ‘s’, ‘ss’, ‘z’, ‘ch’, ‘sh’, or ‘x’ you add ‘es’.
Example: Focus-Focuses, Pass-Passes, Quiz-Quizzes, Search-Searches, Wish-Wishes, Fix-Fixes.
- When Word ends like Consonant + O, add es.
Example: Go-Goes, Do-Does
- When Word ends like Vowel + Y, add s.
Example: Buy-Buys, Play-Plays, Enjoy-Enjoys
- When Word ends like Consonant + Y, Remove Y and add ies.
Example: Cry-Cries, Fly-Flies, Study-Studies
- Irregular verbs
Example: Have-Has, Be-am/is/are
Positive Sentences (If stress on the activity)
Format: Subject + Auxiliary Verb + Main Verb
First Person Sentences (If stressed on the activity)
I do go.
We do go.
Second Person Sentences (If stress on the activity)
You do go.
You do go.
Third-Person Sentences (If stress on the activity)
He does go. She does go. It does go.
They do go.
Positive Sentences
(If it does not stress the activity and says usually, the Auxiliary verb goes hidden)
Format: Subject + Main Verb
First Person Sentences
I go.
We go.
Second Person Sentences
You go.
You go.
Third Person Sentences (As the auxiliary verb goes hidden, the “es” or “s” is added to the main verb)
He goes. She goes. It goes.
They go.
Negative Sentences
To make negative sentences, it needs to add NOT. So “do” forced to appear.
Format: Subject + Auxiliary Verb + NOT + Main Verb
First Person Sentences
I do not go. Or I don’t go.
We do not go. Or We don’t go.
Second Person Sentences
You do not go. Or You don’t go.
You do not go. Or You don’t go.
Third Person Sentences
He does not go. She does not go. It does not go. Or He doesn’t go. She doesn’t go. It doesn’t go.
They do not go. Or They don’t go.
Positive Yes/No Question Sentences
Format: Auxiliary Verb + Subject + Main Verb?
Do I go? Do we go?
Do you go? Do you go?
Does it go? Does He go? Does she go? Do they go?
Negative Yes/No Question Sentences
Format: Auxiliary Verb + Subject +NOT + Main Verb?
Do I not go? Do we not go?
Do you not go? Do you not go?
Does it not go? Does he not go? Does she not go? Do they not go?
Wh Question Sentences
Format: Wh (question) Auxiliary Verb + Subject + Main Verb?
Where do I go? What do we do?
When do you come?
Where does she sing? How do they do?
Present simple Uses
Present Simple Quiz