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10 lines essay on Peacock

10 lines essay on Peacock

  1. Peacocks are one of the most magnificent birds with their vibrant feathers and impressive displays.
  2. They are native to South Asia, and are often found in grasslands and forests.
  3. Peacocks are part of the pheasant family, and are known for their distinctive iridescent blue-green and bronze feathers.
  4. The male peacock, also known as a peafowl, uses his feathers to attract a mate during the mating season.
  5. Female peafowls, also known as peahens, are usually a dull brown color and lack the distinctive feathers of the males.
  6. Peacocks have a loud and distinctive call, which is used to mark their territory and attract mates.
  7. They are omnivores and feed on a variety of plants, insects, and small animals.
  8. Peafowls can fly, but they usually prefer to stay on the ground, where they can run at high speeds to escape predators.
  9. Peacocks are a symbol of beauty and grace, and are often used in art and literature as a representation of these qualities.
  10. They are also considered a national bird in India, and are protected by law to prevent illegal hunting and trading.

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