Anchoring Script for A Classical Dance
Greetings to one and all.
Today, the students of The Aditya Birla Public School Bhubaneswar are presenting a humble attempt of one of the most revered classical dance forms of India, Manipuri.
Manipuri is indigenous to Manipur, the north-eastern state of India and the indigenous people of this valley were said to be the dance-expert Gandharva’s, mentioned in the epic Ramayana, Mahabharata and other religious scriptures.
Manipuri dance is purely religious and its aim is a spiritual experience. Development of music and dance has through religious festivals and daily activities of the Manipuri people. Not only is dance a medium of worship and enjoyment, a door to the divine, but indispensable for all socio-cultural ceremonies. From the religious point of view and from the artistic angle of vision, Manipuri Classical Form of dance is claimed to be one on the most chestiest, modest, softest and mildest but the most meaningful dances of the world.
The most obliging aspect of Manipuri culture is that, it has retained the ancient ritual based dances and folk dances along with the later developed classical Manipuri dance style. Among the classical categories, ‘Ras Leela’ – a highly evolved dance drama, choreographed on ‘Vaishnavite Padavalis’ composed by mainly eminent Bengali poets and some Manipuri Gurus, is the highest expression of artistic genius, devotion and excellence of the Manipuris, thus creating a tradition of everlasting elegance.
Thank you.
Anchoring Script on our Youtube Channel
Voice Modulation Tips:
Try to use every opportunity to speak; practice and experience will give you the confidence and power, and you will gradually be able to correct and improve your voice for modulation. On every occasion whenever you speak or deliver lecture, you should bear in mind the following points:
- Always convey your message with the variation in the pitch and tempo. Never deliver your speech in a monotone as it will not only bore but also send your audience to sleep.
- Speak at a rate so that your audience can understand you because fast delivery betrays a lack of confidence.
- Speak normally at about 125 to 150 words per minute. Check your speed and try to bring it within this range.
- Pronounce words properly, putting stresses at the right syllables.
- Speak loud enough so that everyone in the audience can hear you clearly.
- Pause for a moment in between sentences to control your speed and approach better.
- Refrain from vocalised pauses and nasalisation such as ‘er’, ‘ah’, ‘unh’, ‘umm’, etc.
- Take care that you do not repeatedly use such phrases as ‘you see’, ‘I mean’, ‘What I meant,’ ‘Understand, ‘Have you understood,’ ‘Clear?’, ‘Is it clear?’, ‘Was it clear?’, etc.
- Remember that a lazy lip movement breeds unintelligibility, a stiff jaw stifles the voice and an inactive tongue strangles it. So, always try to maintain a balance while speaking or delivering your lecture.
Happy Practising
Tips of Anchoring Script
- The Outline of the script
- Welcome line.
- Lamp lightning and worship Ceremony.
- Swagat Geet.
- Chief guest’s message to the student.
- Principal’s address to the student.
- Cultural program: Dance competition, Singing Competition, Drama, Fancy Dress Competition
- Prize distribution
- Thanks Giving.